Women's Ministry

Metro Women's Ministry exists to help believing and non-believing women become fully-functioning followers of Christ .

The Metropolitan Church of Christ Women’s Ministry desires to create an environment where women will feel safe, loved, and valued. Women are encouraged, equipped and empowered to thrive as fully functioning followers of Christ who have a profound impact on their community for Christ. Through our ministries, servanthood projects, ladies prayers, and other events we pray that each woman will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of God’s Word, increase their connection to God, and make lasting friendships. In the process, women learn to value God’s Word, value the local church, and love other women; therefore God is glorified and we are transformed.

Ministry Goals: 

1. Disciple women through mentoring relationships of encouragement and accountability.

2. Engage women in powerful prayer to accomplish the mission of God and deal with life’s daily struggles

3. Share the gospel of Jesus Christ with women in need of Jesus Christ, and the man and children connected to them. 

4. Minister to women who are bruised, burdened and down cast through godly female relationships, classes, and tasks.

5. Train women to be better mothers, wives, daughters, through being nurturers, healers, and priests in their homes, churches, and society.

6. Minister during worship celebration with the gifts, abilities, and callings God has given them through being encouragers and servants in the assembly of the saints.

7. Minister to sick/shut-in and the lost.

8. Create women’s fellowship opportunities for saints or sinners!

9. Empower women to be everything that God would have them to be!


Women’s Ministry Scriptural Basis:

1. The Women’s Ministry fits into the servanthood process at the Metropolitan Church of Christ. (Hebrews 12:28)

2. Women are first and foremost servants of God (John 12:26)

3. The servanthood level ministries are called to mission and ministry. They are to seek diligently to seek and serve others in their specific focus area. (Luke 19:10; Mathew 20:28)

4. Women need to be saved from sin. Prov. 14:34 says, “Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin IS a reproach to any people.”

5. Women are called to serve others with their gifts and abilities. Our Women’s Ministry offers opportunities for women to serve and to be served. (1 Peter 4:10-11)